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Implementing equality in Ruby

Equality in Ruby is, at first glance, deceptively simple. Overriding the == method will get you almost all the way there, but if you want your objects to be consistently good citizens of Ruby-land, you need to think of a few more things.



We will be implementing equality on a class called T, it simply holds a value and doesn't reveal it back to us.

class T
  attr_reader :value
  private :value

  def initialize(value)
    @value = value

Our test harness is equally simple:

require "minitest/autorun"

class EqualityTest < Minitest::Test
  def test_equality
    assert_equal T.new(1), T.new(1)
    refute_equal T.new(1), T.new(2)

From now on I'll show only snippets of what we change, the complete example is shown at the end.


To make this test pass we need to implement the == operator

def ==(other)
  self.value == other.value

This gives us an error:

NoMethodError: private method `value' called for #<T:0x007f8c293b21a0 @value=1>

Since value is private, we cannot access it on a different instance, even if we are inside the same class. To fix this, we set it to protected instead. This means that we can look at other T instances' value from inside T, but it will still not reveal it to anyone else.

protected :value

Now our test is passing.

Edge cases

Our implementations covers the most basic case, but it's not quite enough. Consider the following test cases:

refute_equal T.new(1), Object.new
refute_equal T.new(1), nil

Both of these will break with an error like this:

NoMethodError: undefined method `value' for #<Object:0x007ff51916df58>

Let's adapt our == implementation to account for these edge cases:

def ==(other)
  return false unless other.is_a?(self.class)
  self.value == other.value

Now we have a pretty solid implementation of equality.


equal? determines if two objects are the exact same instance. You should never override this.

t_one = T.new(1)

t_one == T.new(1)      # => true
t_one == t_one         # => true
t_one.equal?(T.new(1)) # => false
t_one.equal?(t_one)    # => true


Two equal objects should have the same hash code.

def test_hash
  assert_equal T.new(1).hash, T.new(1).hash
  refute_equal T.new(1).hash, T.new(2).hash

In our simple example we can simply delegate the hash method to our value:

def hash

When you have more instance variables, an easy way to implement hash is to offload the work to Array which already has a convenient implementation for this:

# Not needed in this simple example
def hash
  [value1, value2].hash


In Ruby, you can use any object as the key in a Hash (note the capital H).

h = { "key" => "value" }
h["key"] # => "value"

"key" == "key"           # => true (they have the same value)
"key".hash == "key".hash # => true (they have the same hash code)
"key".equal?("key")      # => false (but they are not the same instance of String)

Let's make sure our T behaves the same way.

def test_hash_key_access
  h = { T.new(1) => :val }
  assert_equal :val, h[T.new(1)]

It seems something is still missing from our implementation:

  1) Failure:
EqualityTest#test_hash_key_access [equality.rb:37]:
Expected: :val
  Actual: nil

Turns out, Hash uses both the hash method, and the eql? method to determine which value to retrieve. To fix this, all we need to do is alias our == implementation to eql?:


def ==(other)
  return false unless other.is_a?(self.class)
  self.value == other.value
alias eql? ==

And our tests are passing again.


If we want our Ts to be comparable with other Ts, we can implement comparison operators. Let's write a test first:

def test_comparisons
  assert_operator T.new(1), :<, T.new(2)
  refute_operator T.new(2), :<, T.new(1)

This is easy enough and looks a lot like our == implementation.

def <(other)
  self.value < other.value

Unlike our ==, which we want to simply say "no" when compared with something completely different, we want < to raise an error, because the comparison simply doesn't make sense. We cannot answer yes or no to whether a T is smaller than nil for example:

assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) < nil }
assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) < 1 }
assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) < Object.new }

Though slightly different, the solution to this looks a lot like it did in ==:

def <(other)
  fail ArgumentError unless other.is_a?(self.class)
  self.value < other.value

Now all of our tests are passing again. We could go on and implement > the same way, but it quickly gets ridiculous once you get to <= and >=.

def test_comparisons
  assert_operator T.new(1), :<, T.new(2)
  refute_operator T.new(2), :<, T.new(1)
  assert_operator T.new(2), :>, T.new(1)
  refute_operator T.new(1), :>, T.new(2)
  assert_operator T.new(1), :<=, T.new(2)
  assert_operator T.new(1), :<=, T.new(1)
  refute_operator T.new(2), :<=, T.new(1)
  assert_operator T.new(2), :>=, T.new(1)
  assert_operator T.new(1), :>=, T.new(1)
  refute_operator T.new(1), :>=, T.new(2)

  assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) < 1 }
  assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) > Object.new }
  assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) >= nil }

Thankfully, Ruby has a good answer for this: Comparable.

include Comparable

The contract of Comparable

Comparable needs you to implement the spaceship operator, which looks like this: <=>. This method has a contract that says essentially:

"Return 0 if the two objects are the same, return -1 if the first is smaller, return 1 if the first is bigger, and return nil if they cannot be compared".

You can try this out yourself:

1 <=> 1          # => 0
1 <=> 2          # => -1
1 <=> 0          # => 1
1 <=> Object.new # => nil

Implementing spaceship

Let's replace our == and < implementation with <=>:

def <=>(other)
  return nil unless other.is_a?(self.class)
  self.value <=> other.value
alias eql? ==

Now all of our tests are passing!

We delegate our spaceship operator to the values just like in ==, and we return nil in case the types don't match. This follows the Spaceship Contract.

There are a few things to take note of here:

  • We still need to alias eql? to ==, although now == is being implemented in Comparable so we can't see it.
  • Our == still returns false when compared to something strange, and our < still raises an ArgumentError. Comparable is smart like that.

Full example

Now we have a class that behaves well in every equality situation in Ruby-land. Did I miss anything? Please open an issue.

class T
  include Comparable

  attr_reader :value
  protected :value

  def initialize(value)
    @value = value

  def <=>(other)
    return nil unless other.is_a?(self.class)
    self.value <=> other.value
  alias eql? ==

  def hash

require "minitest/autorun"

class EqualityTest < Minitest::Test
  def test_equality
    assert_equal T.new(1), T.new(1)
    refute_equal T.new(1), T.new(2)
    refute_equal T.new(1), Object.new
    refute_equal T.new(1), nil

  def test_hash
    assert_equal T.new(1).hash, T.new(1).hash
    refute_equal T.new(1).hash, T.new(2).hash

  def test_hash_key_access
    h = { T.new(1) => :val }
    assert_equal :val, h[T.new(1)]

  def test_comparisons
    assert_operator T.new(1), :<, T.new(2)
    refute_operator T.new(2), :<, T.new(1)
    assert_operator T.new(2), :>, T.new(1)
    refute_operator T.new(1), :>, T.new(2)
    assert_operator T.new(1), :<=, T.new(2)
    assert_operator T.new(1), :<=, T.new(1)
    refute_operator T.new(2), :<=, T.new(1)
    assert_operator T.new(2), :>=, T.new(1)
    assert_operator T.new(1), :>=, T.new(1)
    refute_operator T.new(1), :>=, T.new(2)

    assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) < 1 }
    assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) > Object.new }
    assert_raises(ArgumentError) { T.new(1) >= nil }