jsborjesson Yet another dev blog

AWS - A Bird's-eye View

AWS is a huge and complex place - this post aims to do nothing more than provide an overview with short and simple descriptions of some of the services I use and find relevant right now.

Service Full name Description
ACM AWS Certificate Manager Issue and manage certificates to set up HTTPS on your domain names
EB Elastic Beanstalk Deploy and scale web applications and services
EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud The virtual servers that almost everything on AWS runs on sooner or later
ECR Elastic Container Registry Upload your Docker containers, similar to DockerHub
ECS Elastic Container Service Deploy and orchestrate Docker containers with Amazon's own service (free)
EKS Elastic Kubernetes Service Deploy and orchestrate Docker containers with Kubernetes (expensive)
ELB Elastic Load Balancing Manage load balancers that route requests from the internet to your instances
IAM Identity and Access Management Manage permissions to AWS
RDS Relational Database Service Run SQL databases
Route 53 Route 53 DNS - Manage domain names
S3 Simple Storage Service Store and host files
VPC Virtual Private Cloud The networking layer for EC2. Deals with subnets and Security Groups.